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Bridging to L2

Domination Finance supports a number of Layer 2 (L2) networks for Ethereum, enabling users to trade or provide liquidity with lower gas fees and quicker confirmation times. In order to trade or provide liquidity on supported L2 networks, such as Polygon or Boba, users must first interface with either an exchange which natively supports that network, or use a bridge to wrap their native ERC-20 assets for use on L2 networks.

Why use an L2?

Layer 2 networks save you from expensive gas fees, allowing you to improve your margins and extract the most value out of trading or LPing. Transactions that may cost ~$100 in gas on Ethereum typically cost pennies on L2 networks; L2 networks which are EVM compatible work with the same smart contracts as Ethereum, and can even use the same 0x address with a simple network change in your wallet of choice:

Example: Changing networks in Metamask

You can add networks to your wallet via Chainlist, if an L2's bridge fails to add it for you.

Can I bridge my DOM synths?

Not at this time. Each network supported on DomFi has its own liquidity pools, per synth. Users wishing to move their liquidity or synths to another network need to withdraw liquidity or sell/redeem synths before bridging their USDC over to L2, and then re-deposit or buy again.

How to Bridge

The easiest way to get assets like USDC on an L2 network is to use their native bridge; this will incur a modest gas fee on Ethereum, and a very small gas fee on your target L2 network.

Polygon (MATIC) Network

Polygon Bridge can bridge wrapped assets to Polygon, and allows for swapping within the Polygon ecosystem as well.

Users should take note of the following:

  • Polygon uses MATIC as its native gas token
  • Polygon's interface does not allow users to bridge multiple ERC-20s at once
  • Polygon offers a Gasless Swap feature, which allows users to trade for MATIC without having any to start with

Boba Network

Boba Gateway can bridge wrapped assets to Boba L2, or swap ETH L1 assets for those on Boba.

Users should take note of the following:

  • Boba uses wrapped ETH as its native gas token
  • Boba Gateway allows users to bridge multiple ERC-20s at once
  • Users can either use their standard Bridge to L2 option, or Fast Bridge to L2
    • Fast Bridge to L2 is quicker and uses less gas, but may incur slippage as it executes a swap on OolongSwap, instead of newly minting bridged assets