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Referral Program

Thanks for testing Domination Finance! We offer a referral program to reward our community. Redeeming someone else's referral code gives you 5% off trade fees. If someone else redeems your referral code, you will receive 5% of their trade fees. These referrals will carry over to our production launch.

You can also earn Dom Dollaz by trading, with additional bonuses for referring successful traders. Dollaz have no monetary value and can't be used for anything. 😉

Generating a Referral Code​

Use the sidebar to go to the Referrals page. Enter a unique referral code of up to 12 alphanumeric characters, click "create referral", and sign a message to verify your identity. Then, send the referral code or the QR code to your friends! You can create and delete codes, but don't worry: once someone redeems your referral code, you will continue to receive fee income and Dollaz even if you later delete the code.

Creating a referral code

Creating a referral

Redeeming a Referral Code​

To redeem a referral code, scan a referral QR code, visit a referral link, or type a code into the Referrals page. Clicking "Accept Referral" will prompt you to make a setReferrer transaction. Once you've redeemed a referral code, you'll start receiving 5% off trade fees.

Accepting a referral code

Accepting a referral

Dom Dollaz​

Your Dollaz are the sum of:

  • Base Dollaz: closing trades with a positive PnL earn 1:1 Dollaz. For instance, if you make a trade resulting in $1,000 profit, you will receive 1,000 Dollaz. Dollaz do not have decimals.
  • Bonus Dollaz: 10% of the Base Dollaz earned by traders who redeem your referral code.
Checking your Dollaz

Checking your Dollaz

Connect your wallet and your accrued Dollaz will display in the top-right of the page.

How does fee sharing work?​

A trade fee is charged when traders increase or decrease their positions. Traders that have redeemed a referral code receive a 5% discount. Of the fees that they pay, 5% are redirected to the referrer's vault balance. Fee sharing is decentralized and immediate. See Trade Fees for more information.